Italian Teacher, Translator/Interpreter – Custom Italy Travel Planner – Book reviewer
Rotary Reggio Calabria has found new partners in projectsThe United Nations, New York: Working as the simultaneous Interpreter for two ROTARY CLUBs: Rotary Reggio Calabria meets David Stillman of Rotary New York discussing on “Haiti Cookstove & Fuel Alternatives” project.My first work day at the European Parliament in Luxembourgwith the ROTARACT volunteers at the United NationsThe Ronald McDonald’s House NY meets the Fondazione ANT (National Tumor Association) Italia ONLUS and its interpretermy first entirely translated book, another big achievement.Among 10 experienced Italian translators, I won the project with the compliments of the never-met-in-person Publisher!yes, it happened: some readers became true admirersthe book is still selling well on AMAZONSusan, a very good student of mine, got curious by the reviews on AMAZON and she feels confident with her Intermediate level of Italiana beautiful book for beautiful peopleA nice surprise while browsing on FacebookThe book is also selling in New York. Amazing!It says “A book translated by Valentina Caprio is to me an invite to read and share with everybody”